基于CyberChef版本: 10.19.0
编译时间: 04/07/2024 02:49:30 UTC
Smiling RaKa Toolbox是一个非常好用(自称)的网页版编解码加解密工具箱。
套壳自CyberChef - The Cyber Swiss Army Knife
Based on CyberChef © Crown Copyright 2016-2024. Released under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0.
SRK Toolbox具有上下文帮助功能。只要把鼠标放在需要解释的模块上面,按F1
SRK Toolbox有数百种操作可以使用,可以方便地搞定很多编解码操作。以下是一些例子:
A simple, intuitive web app for analysing and decoding data without having to deal with complex tools or programming languages. CyberChef encourages both technical and non-technical people to explore data formats, encryption and compression.
Digital data comes in all shapes, sizes and formats in the modern world – CyberChef helps to make sense of this data all on one easy-to-use platform.
The interface is designed with simplicity at its heart. Complex techniques are now as trivial as drag-and-drop. Simple functions can be combined to build up a "recipe", potentially resulting in complex analysis, which can be shared with other users and used with their input.
For those comfortable writing code, CyberChef is a quick and efficient way to prototype solutions to a problem which can then be scripted once proven to work.
It is expected that CyberChef will be useful for cybersecurity and antivirus companies. It should also appeal to the academic world and any individuals or companies involved in the analysis of digital data, be that software developers, analysts, mathematicians or casual puzzle solvers.
It is hoped that by releasing CyberChef through GitHub, contributions can be added which can be rolled out into future versions of the tool.
There are hundreds of useful operations in CyberChef for anyone working on anything vaguely Internet-related, whether you just want to convert a timestamp to a different format, decompress gzipped data, create a SHA3 hash, or parse an X.509 certificate to find out who issued it.
It’s the Cyber Swiss Army Knife.
SRK Toolbox整个运行在本地浏览器中,没有服务器端组件,这意味着你的输入数据、你的操作流程设定不会被发送出去,无论你使用在线版还是离线版,只要是官方开源原版,都会是这样。
有三个操作会产生网络请求,“在地图上显示”会从wikimedia.org下载地图图片,“DNS over HTTPS”操作会向服务器发起DNS请求,以及“HTTP请求”操作会发起HTTP请求。你可以用浏览器的开发者工具(F12)的网络选项卡来监控网络请求情况。